Day 23

share and show love

My alarm went off at 6:15 am. I woke up on the floor next to the freeway and storage place. I woke up next to my two homeless companions Chuck and Mandy. As I got up Mandy woke up too. We packed up our sleeping bags and stuff to head to the truck stop. Chuck sat up right before we left. He knew he wouldn't see me again. He shook my hand and said good luck. He said it was real cool to hang with me a couple days. I said it has been cool and it was great to meet him. I walked off and he yelled "nick! Don't ever forget me!" an answered "il always remember you chuck, til the day I'm senile". He laughed and laid back down.
        Me and Mandy walked to the truck stop near the firework booth where I was gonna meet patty and her son for a ride. I met them there at 7. I said goodbye to Mandy and hopped into pattys van. She had a bag waiting for me with 6 chorizo, egg, and potato burritos. There was also 2 gatorades, 4 chocolate puddings, and a Hot coffee. That was awesome. I didn't have any food for the day so she really hooked me up. 
        Patty drove me to north woodland where she worked. They dropped me off at an arco station at about 7:20. It was very nice of them and I said thank you before they left. I also got a picture. 
       I was on the east side of the freeway where I stopped in some shade to eat a couple breakfast burritos for breakfast. They were really tasty.
        I then decided I would spend a day walking up to dunnigan. There was a railroad track running north, parallel to highway 5, and I started to walk north on the tracks. About an hour into the walk I felt a giant dump that was on it's way into this world. I was in the middle of nowhere with just fields around but this thing was going down soon, whether I liked it or not. So I ran into a little bridge on the railroad where I had to take care of business. It was some serious business. But I handled it. I also baby powdered up before I continued. I hit the tracks again. 
        So I kept walking and got to a town called Yolo where I took another break. I sat in some shade and drank a gatorade. It was about 10:30. I was making good time and it still wasn't too hot so I didn't break for long to keep moving.
       I walked a while longer and got to another small town called Zamora. By this time I was starting to chafe even with the baby powder, and it was starting to hurt a bit. I took about a 30 minute break then hit the tracks again north. 
       I walked for a couple hours more and by that time was feeling really tired. I took another break and passed out next to a tree. I slept an hour and a half. When I woke up I was ready to make the last stretch to Dunnigan. When I began walking my legs were really hurting. My feet hurt, my knees hurt, and my thighs were chaffing and the skin was wearing off. It was a stinging feeling. I just walked through it though. I walked until around 8pm before I got to Dunnigan and the truck stop. It was pretty much all that was there and it was right off the tracks next to the freeway. I was exhausted and walked 17 miles total that day. 
       My legs hurt, I was tired, and I stank! So I was done for the day. I made my bed up between the tracks and an alfalfa field. I laid down and passed out in about 10 minutes. It was a long day...   


  1. you can use a little of the iodine i gave you on your legs if the skin rubs off too much so that it wont get infected. Stay safe, love you and miss you!

  2. Hey Nick, glad you made it to Dunnigan, My son and I were really glad to meet you and spend the little time we could with you. I spent the last two days reading your entire blog and it's fasinating. I'm telling you kid, you need to write that book at the end of this journey. Anyway, you continue to take care and we'll keep praying for you in your journey. I'll be following your blog. I do have to say, you are an awesome individual and I am priveledged to have had you pass through my life.

    Pattie Nix
    P.S. I'm glad you enjoyed the burritos.

  3. Glad to see your using your baby powder! I miss my breakfast burritos..we don't get that good stuff over here. So glad you met that wonderful lady and her son...what lovely people! :)


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