share and show love
   It's been a while since I have posted any journal entries. So I'm going to write a quick overview of the last few weeks just to get caught up.

      So the next day I went into the Online auction corporate office in Eugene Oregon. I met with the computer Guru James. He had checked out the blog and was really impressed with my travels and journal entries. He and Chris Fain (owner) sat down and talked with me. The details of the job were honestly way over my head. There was a lot of computer skills that were necessary that I don't know, and that in fact overwhelm me just to think about. James said it wouldn't be hard for me to learn and that he had faith I could do it. Apparently the last few guys who were in that position screwed off a lot and didn't get work done. Chris wanted someone who would bust ass and commit to working hard for the company. I knew I could probably catch on with the computer part, and that I could for sure be a dependable worker and work hard. But I honestly wasn't ready to commit to the level they were looking for, and frankly didn't have any interest in doing that kind of work. Which basically would bring me back to square 1 ( working purely for money ) which I'm not going to do.
        So I was straight forward with them about it and said thanks but that I would pass on the offer and keep moving. They were totally OK with it and understood. They appreciated me being honest about it. Then Chris said I was welcome to stay in his house for a week or so if I'd like. He also said if I wanted to work a bit in the meantime I could help him out with a few random things. In a week from then some friends were going to Portland, so I figured I could hang there a week until my buddies drove up there.
        So that night I ended up going out with Brian ( the guy who was also staying at the house) and his buddy Paul. We went to downtown Eugene. It was really packed down there with college kids as the campus was nearby. We were walking down the street when a group of drunk girls walked by and flashed us. It was pretty random. We were standing outside of a club when a car with two girls pulled up next to us and honked. The girl on the passenger side jumped out and grabbed Brian and said "your coming with us". The girls were really pretty and it was completely out of nowhere.
       So me and Paul stayed there til about 2am then took off. He was taking me back to the house and just as we were getting close Brian called us. The girls were completely random chicks who he didn't know at all. He told Paul to come pick him up. So we drove about 20 minutes to get him. When we got there him and the girl (Mary) were sitting outside on a curb waiting. They jumped in the back of the truck and immediately starting going at it. All of a sudden she pulled his pants down and started to give him oral sex. It was unexpected and for sure an abnormal drive back to the house.
        When we got home her and Brian were banging the bed on the walls all night. It was an interesting night out with the boys.

       The next day we went to the car dealership and hooked up a couple trailers to diesel trucks. We ended up driving two hours away to pick up 3 cars and some other random materials Chris had at a property he owned. It was a full days work loading everything and Chris paid me and Brian for helping him. He also bought us breakfast and lunch.
      More to come tomorrow

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