Day 168, September 18, 2012

I woke up pretty early. My knees were tight and locked. Sometimes I will go to sleep with something under them to keep them slightly bent, but I was so tired the night before that I honestly didn't remember to. I woke up on my back and my knees were burning from being locked straight.
I unzipped my sleeping bag and stretched out right away while still laying on my back. Stretching my IT band really seems to make my knees feel better quickly. So I stretched them out for a good 15 minutes and just worked my knees back and forth a few minutes to loosen them up. They felt much better.
I stood up and stretched out still feeling refreshed with being out of the desert. I felt good mentally and was very recharged in that aspect. I put my headphones in and put some music on while I packed my things up and got ready. I was still hidden behind the container and out of sight. I was all ready to go and walked out from the driveway.

Day 167, September 17, 2012

I woke up pretty early. I was between a dumpster and a fence behind a jack in the box. I didn't sleep very well but I felt very rested just knowing I was going to take a day to rest. I had just went through one of the toughest weeks in my life and through the unexpected toughest stretch of my trip. It was a very emotional and spiritual experience. I was ready to have a day to just soak in what I could. Plus rest. I was excited to rest!
I got up and my eyes were heavy. It was a nice day and I felt good! My knees felt a little weak and sore so I wanted to get some ice on them throughout the

Day 166, September 16, 2012

I woke up hearing something creek. I opened my eyes and instantly was relieved that I was around something. It wasn't just sand for as far as I could see. There were objects of society around and it felt good to see that.
The creek I heard was coming from the tank next to where I slept. It sounded like a valve or pipe was making the sound. Maybe someone turned on the water or something. I'm not sure.
Right when I woke up I grabbed a full bottle of water and downed it. Man that felt good. I sighed after I finished and grinned as I was thankful for that. I ate some of the Mexican donut that I was given from the day before. Today was my birthday and the first day of being 26. It was a good day as I would see 29 palms at some point.
I sort of took my time lingering around and gathering my things. I was in no rush and wanted to just ease my way that day and enjoy approaching civilization again. Also my knees were still cramped and in a bit of pain, so I wanted to baby them also.
I packed my cart up and stretched out a lot. I was finally ready to go and walked out to the road. When I got to the road I had a weird feeling. Not sure if I was nervous to get to 29 palms or what it was. But I felt something weird.
I began walking slowly Down 62 towards 29 palms, which was roughly 15-17 miles away. I was about 2-3 miles in for the day when a blue Beamer passed bye. He waved to me and I waved back. I didn't think twice about it and just kept going.
About 20 minutes later a fire truck came zooming bye me with the sirens and lights on. I wondered what happened behind me as I kept moving. Then about 10 minutes later a work truck came from the east direction and stopped next to me. He asked if I was the guy walking the country and I said yes. It seemed out of place for some reason. Then he said "there is a guy in a white truck looking for you". I figured it was someone who was following my walk that wanted to come out to help me out. The work truck pulled away and I was thinking the person looking for me may have just been passing through and headed to Arizona maybe. I thought I would probably not see them and we missed each other. Little did I know, something else was going on that I had no clue about. And here is the story from someone else's point of view. A follower of my journey writes his experience from this day. This is a stranger to me from when I started this walk who would end up coming into my life in a pretty cool way. Here's the story in his words...

here it is-
Finding Hobo Faith (Nick Kleckner)
Here is the brief story of what just happened the last 24 hours so you can see an example of real life events that are not coincidence but more acts of God:
I have been following Hobo Nick (you can too at either @hobo_nick on twitter or on his blog at ) for the better part of the last 150 days. We have spoken many times via Facebook and had some pretty deep conversations about a lot of things in life. His walk across USA had me interested in his goals, reasons, etc as it has done for many thousands of people following his journey. We have become pretty close then on June 22nd he sent me the following note:
"Hey man. When I met the man who crawled 1600 miles a few days back, something hit me and spoke to me. Not sure what exactly, but something is going to happen once I cross into California. Something big. Something I will need witnesses for. Don't know why but I needed to let you know this. Might need you to be available around that time. Just something inside me tells me this, and that people are gonna need to know about it. Something really big."- Nick
At the time I did trip out a bit from this message but in so many times in my own life I have felt "something coming" or "strange feelings" about things in the future that I can't explain either. I pretty much just kept that message filed in the back of my head. Well as he approached Texas, then New Mexico then heading across Arizona and towards California is when I really started to think about what he said and wondered what it all meant?
Well on September 11th (nice day huh?) he Tweeted a chilling (to me) picture and comment that reads:
"This guy pulled off last night and said he had a message. He said he doesn't know my situation but something big is coming and to hold on Tight. He said it in a concerned and nervous way. Hope I'm not about to get violated by Bigfoot"
I immediately told my wife something is up, I dont know what or anything but I need to go out there ASAP.Then of course, life happens (kids soccer game I had to coach, big contracts at work must be handled, meetings, family events, the whole 9). Well on around Sep 14th I noticed I was not seeing any tweets or FB or anything from Nick! I sent his long time childhood friend an Email to call me but he was tied up to for a bit. I had an uneasy feeling but went to bed on it with no action.
Then Sunday September 16th hit and I read the chilling FB post from Nicks Mom that read "NICK IS MISSING AND IF ANYONE HAS ANY INFO TO LET HER KNOW!!!"
Now, I have spoke to Nicks mom too in the past couple months prior to this crazy news but I never told anyone except my wife about that FB message he sent me way back in June 22 when he was in middle America! So now I have this cold rush run through my blood like - OH CRAP what in the Hell is going on now!
One thing you should know about me is I was raised in the Church (not a PK or any crap like that but close enough), I am also no saint by any stretch but I do believe in God, and have my own personal relationship that guides me daily in this war zone called life. I am incredibly blessed with an awesome wife and 3 kids and play about every sport or hobby you can watch on Xgames or beyond. I don't really fear anything but this news literally stopped me in my tracks that I need to go out to the desert and find out what in the heck is going on!
So I called Hobo-Mom and asked her if she needs my help. She said yes so I immediately blew up my network of peeps and everyone I knew that could help just shy of the FBI and that call was about to be made too if I had to. I called every hospital in a 100 mile radius, I called every Po Dunk gas stop and store in the area, and Hobo-Mom called the Sheriff department in 2 counties. I called all of Hobo-Nick old friends and interviewed them like I was a damn FBI agent and "Is this something he has done in the past?" and all that crap. Nothing made sense that he was missing and NO ONE knew where he was for FIVE FULL DAYS?!?!
I was in a semi panic because I didn't want to tell Hobo-mom everything I knew about the June 22FB message, so as to not freak her out even more!! I just told her we need to exercise the same FAITH that Hobo-Nick shows every day- right NOW. She agreed, but how do you calm the mom of a missing HOBO?! Damn, my kid was missing for a few moments the other day and I freaked and she is not even a HOBO yet! (Someday God willing- haha). So I sat my wife down and she counseled me through the exact wording of what I should say and how to say it. The hardest thing I ever did was tell Hobo-Mom I got a message in June that suggested something would happen when he crossed into Calif, (and I needed to be there AND I WAS NOT!!) So I hit my knees and prayed that God would be in control and nothing bad would happen now.
I have been in situations in my life that it's not that farfetched that something crazy could happen but I just felt at peace this time. Something this time was different. It was like I had to go out there to be used for something and it had to be ASAP! By now it was Sunday night Sep 16th and I had done everything in my power from my dual screen computers and iphones and everything else I could get my hands on to blow up the internet, to get as much info as I could before I left to go searching! (again it felt like) You see-understand this is not the first time I have searched the open desert for a missing person. My own cousin James Perryman, to this day, is on the FBI missing person list and was last seen out in Hallerand Summit (at the peak before you drop down into State Line of Vegas). He is still gone, that was over 15 years ago and it has been a long road back for the family to overcome. I have ridden MotoX out in the desert many times searching for him. We were about as close as cousins could be. I don't typically lose many things, and when I do they haunt me a bit. James is gone and this felt kind of similar in a way as it was shaping up to be another desert search? I hoped not.
So I set my alarm for 4 am to find out what is out there. As I drove through the darkness towards 29 Palms from the Pacific Ocean I had a very calming feeling come over me and I posted on Facebook- "No Regrets". This time I was heading out into the unknown and I was not going to leave any stone unturned this time. I felt for Theresa Kleckner like she was my Aunt Loretta who lost her son James. No one should have to lose their child. We recently lost my 19 year old nephew "RJ" to a "fall asleep accident" on the 91 freeway on Sep 24 2011. He was a Scholarship Athlete and was heading to his dorm at CBU for his first year of playing left field. Also my HS best friend died driving to Law School when I was 24 from hitting a center divider on a freeway in Santa Barbara. So being around heavy loss has happened a few times in my life.
Today would be different, I really felt that way, as the sun came up in my face I felt like I was driving right into it as I passed the town of 29 Palms. I pulled over a couple police officers and questioned them too about what they knew about the area and the road towards Parker. From Rattlesnakes, to Scorpions to anything dangerous. Mostly the key info that came out of that meeting was the idea that there is Terrible Cell or internet service out there...NICE! To me that started speaking volumes for hope.
So my goal was to drive out to his last known scene where another Tweeter said he saw him last Friday."Rice Road" it is called. As I drove out there I felt like I was getting closer to him when I was about 15 miles out of 29 Palms. I pulled over to take a crap on the side of the road and walked over to an abandoned Shack (will post the pics- not of the crap, but the shack- Sickos)
I took a pic of the shack and felt like he was behind it. I walked around it but he was not there. (in hind sight you will see I wasn't that far off :/)
From there I headed out stopping here and there talking to anyone I could on the side of the road for info (there was only one construction crew about 15 miles out of town that stretched for about a mile so they were who I stopped to talk to). Just trying to get as much info as I could.
I then started off towards Rice Road which I think was about 20-30 miles away from the construction road work. I saw nothing out there- not even passing cars, NOTHING. After each passing turn and long stretch of road I hoped to see Hobo doing his Hobo strut. When I came to Rice road I pulled over and asked a gal from Twitter named "Pookie" to call me. (She has really made an effort in his aid and following him out to supply Hobo with food too at one point). Her husband is a big shot loud mouth MotoX Journalist that can send a shout out to millions of peeps fairly quickly through the MotoX community. (this is how I found Hobo Nick was from Ryan Villopoto Tweets many moons ago). So I felt the need to talk to her in case something came up I could rally the masses in short order though her husband. You see the MotoX community is no BS and they will put on a search like nobodys bizznass if they have to. We discussed everything and nothing made sense. It was on that call I shared with her the chilling FB message from June 22nd and she was fairly speechless. I told her I am sure he was just sleeping behind something and when I head back he will be on the road. So we left it at that, I took a piss on the ant hill, then headed back west.
I came around the turn about 5 miles from Rice Road and saw something in the road. I couldn't make out what it was at first but it was in the middle of the road and it was definitely a car at one time or another. As I approached it I saw clearly it was a steaming pile of yard sale SUV on the road and it clearly plowed the side berms and flipped and flipped some more. The door was open and my heart literally SANK. To me this was it. I am no CPR expert but I have been around a lot of injuries mostly from MotoX. As I jumped out of my truck I felt out of body like I really didn't want to go. The door that was crunched and sheered open and the back roof completely caved in told me there would be missing limbs or likely a ton of blood. So many things raced in my head. As I got closer I peeked around the corner and saw a young blonde girl in skimpy clothes just sitting there pale as a ghost and shaking pretty violently. She had to be under 21 in my quick guess. She was pale and shaking and sweating and had some blood splatters here and there on her legs and arms but I couldn't tell where it came from! I held her hand and asked her if she was ok. She just sat there and stared out the front window and shook like a freaking exorcism or something. I held her hand and prayed with her. During that time another dude was there on the scene almost within minutes, and he happened to be a Fireman I guess from the shirt he was wearing. He immediately had the authorities on the phone and started checking her out. I got her water and she started calming down. We got her dad on the phone and her boyfriend too which apparently was a marine at the 29 Palms Base. The dad was pretty shook up so the fireman dude said to me but was told all is ok and the girl is fine. She completely came out of her daze and was able to talk a bit and although she didn't say how the wreck happened I can only assume she fell asleep. She claims something jumped out in front of her. Maybe that part of the desert has leaping Scorpions or something.
I started to leave then remembered why I thought I was supposed to be out there. I asked the Fireman dude if he saw anyone on the road that was pushing a Solar powered baby stroller? His eyes lit up and said "Yea! I see him every day walking on this road!, hes like 10 miles that way!" and he pointed towards 29 Palms. I was elated, total euphoria from Fear and Unknown and Stress of loss (again) to everything is OK and oh by the way damn Hobo Homie is skippin down the
So I blazed a trail, was one of the most exciting 10 mile drives I have EVER done. I called his Mom on a brief open window of cell service. (Yes the cell / internet coverage out there was all but dead). I told her Hobo was not MIA now and a fireman saw him less than 10 min ago! She was elated and telling her that was one of the best moments ever. I teared up and pinned it across the desert. I wanted to keep her on the phone as I drove but I lost her in the next dead pocket of coverage. Holy Cow man we put crap on Mars now and I cant talk on a highway less than 3 hours away from Newport Beach? Damn Obama - haha
So here is the happy ending. It was like a book scene or better yet that road in the movie Dumb and Dumber where Jeff Daniels is walking along and Jim Carrey pulls up on the Scooter. I saw Hobo way the heck down the road and I pinned it with window down honking and yelling out the window. I came up on him with so much energy he must have thought he was about to get Hobo Raped on the 62. I told him I was Gene and he looked a bit shocked and we hugged. He was skinnier than I was so my first thought was I need to walk across the damn desert now. We talked about it all. I told him about the crash, and he totally knew what I meant when I said I was meant to be there. Only a few min earlier he saw all the crazy sirens and police and emergency vehicles blazing that direction and he was tripping out on that. I gave him 2 bags of groceries and immediately put his mom on the phone. They had a moment and I walked over to my truck to let them talk. I dont think he truly realized EVERYONE thought something was wrong because in his mind EVERYONE knew he was OK!? you see, he asked a dude days before to "Take this number and call my mom and let her know Im OK!!" Apparently the dude didn't do it. (Maybe his name was Obama too).
One thing was certain, God was there, it was so obvious. As I drove away I slowly came down from a very high euphoria of adrenaline and reflection. I pulled over to the side of the lonely desert road and just took it all in in absolute peace and quiet. The range of emotions from the week leading up to it all and the very day of such drastic highs and lows was pretty wild. What made this particular instance so incredible was to see the massive outpouring of other peoples caring and faith and general good will all over America. My facebook and twitter blew up like a bomb over this time span. I took so many things away from this experience but one thing that really settled in more than anything is the feeling of helping someone is more powerful than anything we could ever work for or earn or achieve or try and do for ourselves. If you want the feeling of happiness, go above and beyond whatever it is your doing and go help someone. I don't know anything more powerful in the world in 38 years of crazy life experiences.
Thanks Hobo Nick for teaching us all a little more about our own faith walk.
See you at the Ocean my friend - and yes I will bring the surf boards.
Gene Houston
.....pretty wild stuff from his angle. I was so upset that the guy never called my mom. But none the less, it seems things happen for a reason. And the weirdest thing to me was that when I sent the Facebook message to him back in Texas, I did it when I was half asleep in the middle of the night. When I woke up I had his response in my inbox and didn't even realize I sent him that message. It was the weirdest thing ever. I was totally in hobo zombie mode and wrote that in my sleep. And I NEVER do that. The whole thing was surreal. I don't really know what else to say. I guess you can take what you will from that. I don't really know what it all means but it is pretty intense. Bizarre too. But maybe it was fate??
So after Gene left, It was a weird feeling. It was funny that he found me and let thousands of people know I was ok, then it was just like "ok, see you later. I'm gonna keep walking through the desert" haha. I was VERY thankful for what he did though. It meant a lot to me and my family.
So there I was walking down the road again. I walked about another mile when another car pulled off. It was a black truck and the guy in it said he headed out to look for me. He had heard about me through his brother and heard I was missing. He had business in the area and wanted to come out to see if he could track me down and find me. He ended up giving me a bottle of Advil for my knees and then took off.
As he was leaving, literally 20 seconds after driving away, another car pulled off in front of me. It was a guy that live about 30 miles away. He also had heard I was missing and made the effort to head out on the 62 to try and find me. I felt a little guilty that all these people were out looking for me, but it also felt good to know so many people cared to make sure I was ok. He said if I needed anything or a place to stay when I went through his town, that he was just a short distance away.
As me and him were talking, another truck pulled off. It was a family and they hopped out and said "hobo nick!". They had made the trip out also to look for me! Now I was starting to realize how many people knew I was missing and that a lot of people were coming together in their own way to help me. They brought an iced chest with cold drinks and a bag of food. I was so thankful but still said I was sorry for worrying anyone. But they were happy to come out and see me.
After we hung for about 15 minutes I kept walking. Another few miles up another truck pulled off. This time it was a couple that actually lived in 29 palms. They also heard I was missing so they cruised out to try and see if they could find me. I was really blown away how many people came out. Just when they pulled up I had just got a flat tire on my cart and was sitting down to fix it. They offered to help me out and then they also gave me $10. We talked for 20 minutes or so and then they took off and I kept walking.
I started to think back at this point to when I woke up that morning where I really was pondering just giving up. If I would have laid back down I was fearing the heat may have broke the last straw and I could have never got up and out of there. I wondered where I would be now. I wondered who would have found me and in what condition. I don't know if the search party would have mattered then. I was so thankful that I was able to get myself out of that situation. It was a scary spot to be in.
I walked another 4-5 miles when I stopped for a break. I hadn't really been taking breaks since I was resting every time someone would pull off. But I stopped for a rest now. When I stopped another car stopped and gave me a water. I'm not sure if she knew me. I think she was just a stranger wanting to help me.
After a break I took off again. Another truck stopped and brought me another water. A girl from 29 palms had just heard that a person was missing and so she made the trip out to see if she could help. She turned around and went back to town after that.
About an hour later I was closing in on 29 palms and decided to take one last break. Right when I sat down an RV pulled off. He also came out to look for me. He had been following me for a while now and he wanted to come help the search. He was on his way to northern California from San Diego and actually detoured out of his way just to try and spot me to make sure I was ok. Wow! He gave me a Choco taco from his freezer in the RV and left after about 30 minutes of talking. That was a Dam good Choco taco!
After he left the same girl that brought me a water had went to the store and brought me another water along with a lunchable and some other snacks. She was so sweet. She even offered to take my dirty laundry home and wash them then deliver them back out to me. That was such a cool gesture. But I passed as I didn't want her to go through all the trouble. Plus my dirty clothes are like hazardous material and I spared her the filth.
I finally made it to 29 palms!! Such a weird thing coming into the town. It was a mixed emotions experience for sure. I felt a little anxiety with all the people and cars around, which is weird since I havnt had any anxiety for so long. In fact I've had none at all on the entire trip.
I walked straight to a jack in the box and it felt like I reached an oasis! It really was my greatest oasis! I went in and the air conditioning hitting me felt like I entered the gates of heaven! It was amazing. A place to sit, and hot food with a cold drink! Amazing.
I got in line to order possibly the biggest meal of my life. I was warn out and starving. I didn't have my full appetite still but hot food sounded amazing and I wanted a lot of it. Before I was about to order, a man came up to me and handed me some extra coupons he had. He looked like he was poor and possibly homeless. I wasn't sure. But he was a nice man. I told him thanks and then ordered a bunch of cheap food.
I took my food and sat at a table next to the man and started to scarf down! It was so good! It was like my first meal in heaven! Seriously. It was amazing. Plus the soft seat to sit in was a treat. An actual seat built for a body to relax. I've never seen it that way until I didn't sit anywhere but on dirt for about 5 days straight. Chairs are nice! The air conditioning felt amazing on my skin and I just felt my body soaking up the goodness. It was just all around great and I couldn't stop glowing and smiling.
I talked to the guy for a while and he told me a little of his story. He lived in an apartment down the road but suffered from some mental conditions. He saw a doctor multiple times a week and fought hard to keep his head on level. He said it was exhausting. He hated all the work he had to do to keep his mind balanced. And if he started to slip, his mind would slip hard and fast. He was also on a fixed income and had to really budget himself. He made the best of his situation and had a positive outlook. It made me wonder how many people were on the streets and just these few steps away from being helped. A lot of them don't have the support system that this man does. It would make me feel good to try and create a support system for those people. I wonder if I could ever do that.
I sat in jack in the box the rest of the night. The couple that lived in 29 palms (who helped with my flat tire) ended up meeting me there and keeping me company for a while. That was really cool of them and I appreciated them for that. Plus they were pretty hilarious which was great. I hadn't laughed for about a week. So it felt refreshing.
When jack in the box closed, I went out back and spotted a little hide out behind the dumpster. The space between it and the fence behind it was just big enough to get me and my Cart into. I made my bed on the dirt there and relaxed as I laid down. It was nice to be back into civilization, but at the same time I had to switch back into a little bit more of an alerted mode for night. In the desert I actually had the pleasure of not having to worry if someone might creep up on me at night. I was so hidden and far away that the elements were different. Although I didn't even realize it at the time. But at this point as I laid in a town again, I looked back and realized that.
I laid there a while when a cop car pulled in right next to me. I was thinking I was spotted and someone called it in. I figured he would come up and kick me out. But he never did. He actually never even saw me and was only there to eat dinner in his car. Now it was pretty comical. He was so close to me and had no idea I was there.
I fell asleep around midnight and was really looking forward to a day off. It has been a rough road lately and I really needed a day in air conditioning to recoup.

Day 165, September 15, 2012

      I woke up and had slept pretty decent. I was still feeling good and right away thinking I only had one more full day of bare desert as long as everything went smooth. 
I got up with a positive attitude and was ready to tackle another day and meet my goal. I wanted to cover another 15-17 miles today. I was mostly guesstimating the miles at this point and was also using mile markers to do the math. My mind was so blurry that I hadn't been paying to close of attention the last few days, but I was getting more on track as I was getting closer.
       I stretched out and packed up. I was on the road and headed west again. Another day of open desert didnt sound too pleasing. I wasn't really looking forward to the same of nothing for another full day. But being patient will pay off. As soon as I get to 29 palms it is going to be worth it. And the level of appreciation will be vast. Man I can't wait to get there!
       I headed down the 62 and figured I would try to get a solid 2 hours of walking in before a break. Usually 2 hours takes me 6 miles, but since I've slowed down the pace with my knee issues, it's probably closer to 5. 
I went about an hour when a white truck pulled off and rolled down his window. He asked if I was ok and then held out a $5. I took it and was greatful. He also reached back in and grabbed a gallon of water. It was only about 1/5 of the way full, but it was more than I had. That meant a lot to me!
I chugged all of it and it was so good! It tasted like gold compared to the water I had. And it was cool as well. Very refreshing. I had drank all of the drinks given to me up to this point and just had 3 gallons of water left. It might have been enough to make it the next day and a half to 29 palms, but just incase it wasn't, I had an idea.
I took $20 that a guy gave me 2 days ago and an empty water jug and held them in my right hand together. When a car would pass I would hold it up with the $20 sticking out. I was hoping someone might pass that had a surplus of water. And I would gladly pay $20 for a gallon of water or so at this point! 
A few cars passed and then a man and his wife stopped. All he had was 1 bottle of water. I offered him $5 for it, but he wouldn't take it. He also had a 12 pack of beer that he offered me. But I passed. That sounded pretty nasty in this heat.
       I chugged the water and was still very thirsty. I was getting pretty far into the other gallon I was drinking too and was starting to realize that with a little more help, I was likely to run out of water at least 10 miles short. A few more cars passed but no luck.
I stopped to take a break under another shade bush on the shoulder of the highway. I was feeling really tired now and had to force myself to eat more food. I ate a power bar and did not enjoy it at all. I had to really force it down. I had tried eating sunflower seeds here and there in the last few days and they tasted horrible. They are seeds I have had plenty times before and enjoyed. But for some reason they made me want to puke in this situation.
       I sat down for a long break and kind of hoped the food would make me feel a little better soon before I took off again. The scenery around was starting to look different which really was a good feeling now. It didn't feel like I wasn't moving anymore. The mountains were closer now and they were also more green. Seeing that really comforted me.
       I felt a little better after about an hour and was ready to continue. I left walking again and wanted to get roughly another 5 miles in. I got about 3 miles when my right knee popped. It wasnt a terrible pain, but i stopped and definetley needed to take a break. I didn't stretch after the last break and am starting to find that I need to stretch almost everytime I'm going to continue after a break.
       I stretched out and immediately felt better. I continued walking very slow. After a mile or so I felt ok and kept going. I walked a couple more and then stopped for another break. When I stopped a car passed me and turned around down the road. It came back and then pulled off next to me. It was a guy and his family. He said he had some water and he opened up the back of his SUV. He grabbed me 2 waters out of an ice chest. I told him thanks so much and said it really helped me. He asked where I was going and I told him. I was suprised nobody had really been asking me what I was doing the last few days since we are in the middle of nowhere. I told him I was walking cross country and was running low on water in this long stretch. He was amazed and shook my hand saying Goodluck. I said thanks again and he left.
       I enjoyed the waters while they were cold and they went fast. It was hot and I was still consuming a lot of water. I was going through my own water pretty fast also. I wasn't happy with how fast it was disappearing. I took a pretty long break again and snacked on the little trail mix I had left. It was down to about a handful. I had 2 cliff bars left and one power bar. After that I had a tube of raisins and that was it. Food was pretty low.
I left from there walking again. I walked about 2 hours when a big truck passed me and then turned around. An older man stopped and asked if I was thirsty. I said I actually was pretty thirsty and he laughed. He got out and had an ice chest in the back of his truck. He had come from the military base in 29 palms where his son was being shipped out to Iraq. He had a sadness to him for obvious reasons. He pulled out a powerade and 2 waters from the ice chest. They were ice cold and I couldn't be happier. It really is amazing that so many people have given me the Nessesities to continue. As far down or as hard as it has been, I have yet to be stranded. He told me to be safe and he drove off.
       I drank all of what he gave me within 30 minutes. I don't think I realized how deprived I was of fluids until I had them to drink. 10 minutes after I finished the drinks I had cotton mouth already and was thirsty again. 
Another 20 minutes passed when a savior came my way. A red beemer stopped next to me and a lady driving said "are you nick?" I said yes. Then she said she had something for me. She got out and pulled a huge case of water out from her truck! It was enough to cover the final stretch! I just exhaled a deep breath and knew I was gonna be ok. What a good feeling. She ended up being the sister or sister in law of the guy who stopped in the white SUV with his family. He had called her and said to bring water since she was traveling across the stretch later that day. I was so thrilled and thanked her a lot. I also told her to thank the good man for doing that and helping me. It was about the best gift I've ever had!
       I packed it in my cart and kept moving. The sun was dropping and I wanted to move until dark. I was really pleased to FINALLY see a house! I came to the outside of 29 palms where there were a handful of houses. I was happy to see that and it was setting in now that I was getting close. Another car stopped next to me and it was a Mexican couple. The handed me a bag of Mexican donuts. Even though my appetite was not much, those looked pretty good.
       I walked past a few houses and some abandoned shacks. I came to an old closed down store and gas station. It was old. I found a spot out of sight next to that where there was an old tow truck and a tank. It was about dark so I made my bed there and laid down. I drank a few waters now that I had enough to splurge. It was nice to be able to drink without worrying about not having enough. 
       I laid down feeling excited now. I was at the last homestretch before getting out of the barren mojave. Man, what a scary place. I was ready to hit 29 palms the next day and have signal again to contact everyone following the journey.



Day 164, September 14, 2012

  It was pretty early and the sun was just up when I opened my eyes. I still felt really good and was extremely relieved at that. I was so thankful that my mind was still good and I really think the breakdown I had the day before helped me a lot. Plus all the people who brought me hope kept me stable.
       I stood up and tested my knees again. They were feeling pretty rough today and I felt like they did a fair amount of work yesterday for the condition they were in. They hurt a fair amount and felt a little weak. I was now feeling closer to 29 palms. I guessed I had maybe 49 miles or so to go. I decided to try and get around 15-17 miles in for the day.
       I packed up and was in a pretty good state of mind. I stretched out more today since I was up early and I just felt all around better.  I felt much better after stretching and could really feel the benefit of loosening up. I took off down the road and I was feeling revitalized.
       I headed west now along 62 and was doing much better. I had more water and everything was adding up now. I was still moving pretty slow and keeping close tabs on my knees. But it was night and day from 24 hours ago. I snacked on trail mix as I walked to keep calories in me. I still didn't have much of an appetite, but I knew it helped me with energy.
      I walked a slow 4-5 miles when I stopped for a break. I was climbing a steady grade and was sweating a lot when I stopped. It was warm and I needed water. I guzzled down more than I liked, but I couldn't afford any more deficiencies. I just had hope that if I stay as healthy as I can now it will work out. Yes, I know I constantly change my game plan and strategy, but I just go with what I feel in the moment and trust it. That's all I can do.
       After stopping for about 20 minutes I took off again. I was starting to worry about the outside world worrying about me. Especially my mom. I was thinking it might be getting to the point where people may worry a lot. It's been 4 days now. I thought I would try and use a phone if someone else pulls off. I wonder if they even have service through here?
       I walked another 5 miles or so when I was ready for a long break. I stopped under a bush that looked exactly like the last 2 I stopped at from yesterday. It was pretty bizarre. The only thing that looked different were the mountains way off on the horizon. But as I sat down it was a bit of a mental game as I felt like it was on repeat and I hadn't moved.
       As I sat there an old classic car came rolling up and pulled off right across the street from me. Two old men got out and were looking at the motor. They hadn't noticed me yet but I decided to walk over to them and see if they had phone signal. As I walked over there another classic car pulled off behind them. They were all buddies. I walked over and said hello as they were checking the fuse box and replacing fuses. They asked if I was ok and I said yes. I asked if they had a cell phone I could borrow. They did but they had no signal. I had an idea, I asked if I could give the guy my moms cell number and have him call her when he had signal again. He was really friendly and said no problem. He put her number in and I felt much better. They were headed to hunnington beach, also my destination.
      They offered me a cold water and then fired their cars up to take off. I waved and said thanks as they drove off. That worked out well and my mom would soon be notified that I was ok and not to worry. That was the message I asked him to relay. Of course that would not tell the real struggles I had been going through. But none the less, it would keep everyone from worrying.
      I left from there after resting in the heat wave of the day. I kept moving to tuck into the shade of the bush, but I managed to stay somewhat cool I guess considering the elements around me. I drank a fair amount of water and took off again.
      It was still pretty hot and I was still going up a slight climb. I was drinking water at a faster rate now and was hoping it would cool off soon.
       I walked another 4 miles or so when I stopped for another break before one last stretch. I sat down behind a pretty large bush actually. The shade was much cooler and the sun was starting to dip down to the mountain tops. The silence was still a powerful thing. Hearing the ring in my ears brought me back to the day before and how scary it was. I honestly was still not in the best condition now, but I really had let myself get too far down and malnurished. I didn't feel like drinking and eating when I should have. I wasn't gonna let that happen again. Still had no appetite and felt a little sick but I was way beyond where I was from the morning before. Wayyyy beyond..
The sun dropped down and I was ready to get the last couple miles in. I stretched out for a few minutes as I had tightened up from resting. I took off walking now very tenderly. I slowly made the last 2 miles of so and then pulled off the road.
       I stopped in another wash about 50 feet off the road and found a bush to hide behind. As long as I'm out of sight I am ok out here. It was becoming more thick with bushes now and it was nice not to have to hike too far off the highway. The soft sand is a mission to push my cart and walk through.
I made camp up there and overall was happy I met my goal for the day. One step closer to 29 palms. I imagined getting to the town soon and it really got me excited. I couldn't wait to have air conditioning and some hot food and cold drink! I would give so much for that right about now! And people around would also make my mind relax a little too. I knew this was another step to appreciating life more. I am so far removed that I see how great we have it on the other side. I look forward to things I never knew I even liked. I fell asleep after sunset and hoped that my hope would stay elevated for the next couple days. I also imagined how good my mom felt now as she knew I was fine. And how she could answer to everyone else that is worried too. Let them know I'm well.


Day 163, September 13, 2012

 I woke up feeling the heat. I was exhausted! I slept on and off and never too solid, but I slept for such a long time I thought that the time I was asleep would provide more of a recovered feeling than this. I felt so tired I felt sick. I opened my eyes and just laid there.
My body felt sucked in and I had not eaten nearly enough food in the last few days. I didn't want to move. Just thinking about sitting up sounded like a major chore. My hope was slipping again.
I now realized I am going in and out. I still felt a slight feeling of hallucinating. When I moved my eyes there seemed to be a blurry delay. What is causing this? Maybe exhaustion and starvation? I didn't feel like I was that much worse now than I have been in past days. Is it just what the massive desert can do. It seems as if the bare land all around me is collectively draining my spirits. I felt a glimpse of hope the day before and thought it would rise from here. But it now seems to be lost again.
       I laid there totally blank. No plan. No idea. Not even a thought of what to do. My knees felt pain but I still havnt moved to see what that feels like. They could just be sore.
I laid there in silence and have quickly come to strongly dislike the emptiness of what is around me. It is taking my mind on a roller coaster and I feel that in any moment I could just fall off the tracks to never return again.
       I laid there in the heat and still had no immediate plan for the day. I was blank and battling a mental struggle I have never faced before. I stared up into the skies like I was just a blank body. What an intense feeling. I closed my eyes and disappeared from reality.
I woke up again. I'm not sure how long I had slept. It felt like I was on pause and am just back on play now bringing myself back into this world.
I honestly was thinking this was too bizarre. This feels like one of those vivid dreams that you think are real. Is this the dream? This can't be real.
       I sat up and was sweating and hot. I felt so weak and the arm I used to support me shook in a lack of strength. I was hurting. I sat there and slowly looked around. Not even sure why as I knew I would just see more of the same in any direction. I had a moment where I really just gave up. I laid back down since my body was so weak. Even sitting up was work.
I laid there in silence. I just wanted to lay there until I felt better. But I knew I might not get that reward in these elements. It's way too hot for anything to help here. I heard a car off in the distance drive past. I don't even care. The road is 75 yards away and I'm too weak to get there right now. I need to eat something, but food sounds like it will make me vomit. I don't have energy to vomit. I could pass out. I'm falling apart...
       I opened my eyes again and suddenly was angry! I was frustrated and upset. Mad at everything around me. I had a small urge of energy that seemed to be fueled by rage. I sat up and started throwing my things together aggressively. I think I knew I had no choice and no way out. I had to move. I had to.
       I was weak and shaking. I felt a sudden breakdown. I stopped being upset now and throwing my things around and put my hands over my face. I lost it. I saw my family and loved ones in my mind. But they were faded. I was breaking down. All the way across the country and it has come to this. This moment where I am done. I felt the rush of emotions surge into me and I was a mess. It is the worst physical and mental condition I have ever been in at the same time. I started to feel anger again now as I was putting all my emotions into my hands covering my face. Anger struck me again. Why am I so stubborn?!? It's a curse on me! If I give up now I refuse to take an easy way out. I will just lay here behind this bush and let the world drain me more to the point where I can't even stand up. Then fear hit me... Is this it? Is this the end. Is this the way I'm going to end up? My arms were shaking from just holding them up to my face.
       I lost control of my emotions for about 10 minutes. And I truly believe that was the only thing that could have saved me. The things I felt in my body gave me the boost I needed. I felt a cold sensation. I felt adrenaline. I felt strength. Just feeling anything in this moment was what I needed to bring me out of this. This has to be the low. I can't deal with another low lower than this. It can't happen. I don't have it in me. Suddenly all the emotions stopped! I looked up into the sky. I don't know why. Maybe because I've seen enough movies to know that's what I do in this moment, maybe it was a natural action. But I felt a feeling I had felt before out here. I was connected again. Everything I just poured out was what was holding me back. It was what I feared. I'm still alive and I can do this. This was such a crazy experience and Unless you were there next to me, there's no way to recreate the place I was in. It was real. It was scary as hell!
       I suddenly was focused again. Part of me was relieved and another part of me frustrated I went through a low again. Is this going to come again? I really hope not.
I still had adrenaline an used that to move around and pack up. I tore open an energy bar from my pack and took a huge bite of it and chewed as I packed up. I swigged warm water that had allege floating in it. I didn't really care. I felt now that it was fueling me up. Mentally I knew this is going to help. I kept moving and things were back into perspective.
       I was riding the wave of different emotions to carry me back out to the highway through the deep soft sand. I got to the road and it felt like I had just overcome the biggest challenge maybe of my life. I felt like getting to the road from where I'd slept was a longer walk and bigger challenge than the entire way I have come across the country yet. I got to the road and ironically sat back down on the shoulder under a shaded spot under a large bush. Even though I sat back down, in the last 2 minutes I got up, ate food, drank water, and conquered the fear of the moment. I didn't have a choice. Choices are privileges.
       I sat there in the cooler shaded air. I literally felt the food in my stomach moving and just imagined the nutrients breaking down and being sent through my body to aid it. I knew it would help. I laid back in the silence and just wished some kind of noise would occupy my mind. I have music but for some reason did not want to force it into my ears. It didn't sound enticing at all. I think I just didn't want any type of emotional stimulant right now. I was potentially still very vulnerable.
I sat there and dozed off for an hour or so. I woke up hearing a few cars pass by me. Finally a big rig truck passed and it really woke me up as it shook the ground and was really loud. I rubbed my eyes and woke up. It was about 11 by now. I was ready to try and move.
       I stood up to move around and analyze my knees and see how they felt. I think the adrenaline and emotions from earlier put my mind elsewhere rather than focused on the hurt in my body. My knees were still very sore and inflamed. I stretched them out and moved around some more. I was ready to go now. I picked up my things, drank a good amount of water, threw a handful of trail mix into my mouth and took off walking.
      The first mile I was very stiff and my knees felt weak. But they were actually feeling like they were loosening up a good amount now which was a great thing! I kept a very slow pace and tried not to think too far ahead than just each step. That goes for each aspect of my situation. I was not thinking about supplies either. I felt like that would discourage me at this point and I can't afford that.
I walked a couple miles and took another break under a small shade of another bush. It was the weirdest feeling and I swear it was identical all around me from the last bush I rested at. I have a pretty good photographic memory and all around looked almost the same. That really messed with my head. It felt like the movie groundhog day.
       As I sat there a guy pulled off in a truck. This was pretty exciting since it had been so lonely the last few days. He jumped out and offered me water. I jumped up and said "sure!". He looked at me and seemed to see the desperation in my voice and body language. He then said "do you need food?" I said "if you have any to spare that would be awesome". He asked "are you ok buddy?". I knew he could tell now that I was in a pretty intense and survival mindset. He gave me 2 waters and a bag of lunch meat and a bag off lettuce. I was so happy I was shaking! He then said "stay here" he went back and got 2 more waters. I thanked him like he gave me a million bucks. The mans help went so much further than just the items he gave me. He delivered so much hope to my mind it blew me away! If I had to put a price tag on what he gave me I would realistically say it was at least a few thousand of money value. He almost seemed amused by how excited I was. I moved swiftly when he was there when I was just walking like a 90 year old man all morning. It was a gift for sure.
       He left and I pounded 2 waters. Cold water. I can't even describe what that was like. I can't. I made a lettuce sandwich over the roast beef. It was the best sandwich I've ever had. Hands down. I was smiling and felt 100% better! Again, hard to describe to an outsider. I'm sure it sounds ridiculous.
       I sat there just so happy, then another guy pulled off going the other direction and pulled a $20 out and handed it to me. He took off right away. Are you kidding me!?!? I was blown away! I could care less about the money, in fact it honestly does me no good out here aside from giving me a small rough strip off asswhipe. The gesture and care from the guy is what was real in that moment. I didn't care about the green colored paper. What perspective I just had. Things look so much different from this light of life.
       I packed up and had goosebumps. I started walking and suddenly felt great. I was smiling, I felt so much better, I couldn't believe I got to the top of this emotional mountain after being in such a deep valley just this morning. Probably the craziest most fascinating day of my entire life thus far. No joke!
       I walked about a mile after that when another truck stopped!! A guy and girl headed west handed me 2 turkey sandwiches and an energy drink. I smiled and said thank you so much! I really was in slight shock at this point. The hardest thing to deal with is knowing these people may never know how much they are really helping me.
       I walked another few miles and took another break. I sat on a dirt mound for maybe 5 minutes. I didn't want to take a long break, I wanted to keep moving. Just then a green car stopped. A man and his wife gave me a water. I just laughed. I'm sure I looked crazy to them, but I just laughed and looked up to the sky in thanks. They said be careful out here and left. I laughed while saying "I will".
I took off again and walked another few miles while the sun was setting. I almost felt like my knees hurt much more than my body was able to feel that day. If that makes any sense. I was at such a low emotional state to begin the day that everything happening was drowning the possibility of feeling the full amount of pain I actually was facing. Maybe that was exactly what I needed. What a trip! It was like I discovered a new possibility for what our bodies are capable of. Did I manifest that reality? Did god put me in this position? Is this just how the stories goes? Wow! Whatever it is, it's truly amazing!
I walked a whole longer and figure now I got about 13-15 miles in. Even though it was a rough and rocky day, the numbers didn't lie. I covered ground in the direction I needed to go. I was really happy now and felt so much more hope. What a day!
       I stopped when it was just about to get dark and the sun had been behind the mountains for a while now. I pulled of the road just after a junction where the road split. I was headed toward 29 palms. I pulled right off the road into a dry creek. There was a flash flood warning sign right next to me and I hoped there were no storms coming in. I hadn't checked the weather and couldn't now with no service. But it had been clear the last few days and I doubted rain. It still lurked in the back of my head though.
       I made my bed just as it got dark and cooled down quit a bit. I laid down and was really happy. It was an experience I was thankful for. To be able to see things in this light makes me think so different in life. It always circled back to how people need help. The life of being homeless is a rough one. And the value of how gestures and little things can be blow me away now that I've been there! It's a spiritual life and I truly think it brings wisdom to humanity. I've never felt so connected spiritually until living this way. And sharing it from a firsthand experience is something I'm passionate about now.
       I went to sleep there in the Mohave that night still facing a big challenge ahead. But I was so struck from the miracles of the day that I couldn't think out of the moment if I tried. I literally went to sleep that night with my mind blown. What a day! I had my hope back. And even though i was alone and money was not worth much to me in this day, i was worth millions. You can't buy this pure experience.


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