Day 54 / May 27, 2012

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When I woke up on day 54 I was drained. I was still drenched in sweat and had a pounding headache. I slept maybe 2-3 hours. I was so tired my eyes felt bruised. But the sun was out an it was really hot. So when I started sweating heavily from that I couldn't sleep.
        I stood up and my feet were beat up. It was very painful To stand up. I sat back down and just sat there totally blank for a while. I was extremely beat and drained both physically and mentally. It was a very tough morning. But giving up is not an option, so I had no choice but to get up and figure something out.
      I packed up and walked back to the KFC/Taco Bell. The short walk to get there was painful. The blister on my heel was really hurting. I sat down inside and came to the decision a day of rest was best. So I would stay there for the day to recover.
       I sat there and checked my twitter. The sheriff (Drew) from Brandon and his fiancĂ© had said they wanted to come stop by for a visit. They were on their way past me to pick up Ashlee's (fiancĂ©) son in Munroe LA. So they came and met me there. They surprised me with a new pack of t shirts, a mesquito repelling device, and they brought their lap top to put new music on my iPod. I was so thankful! And it was awesome! I was most excited about the mesquito repelling device! If that thing works good it's going to vastly improve my sleeping quality!
       We sat there and visited while they put some new songs on my iPod. I was so excited to see them and the stuff they brought was amazing! They stayed about an hour then had to go pick her son up. It was an awesome visit and company on an off day is nice to have.
         A little later, Amy and her husband (who I met in Collins MS) had sent me a tweet to let me know they were driving 2 hours just to come see me! It was really cool! So after a while they showed up. They sat and visited me for dinner there. They brought their niece also to meet me. She was so thrilled and said she loves to help people too and was grateful for what I am doing. It was a great visit and they brought me some first aid supplies and their niece gave me $14! Again, a surprise that was great!
      After they left I stayed there and just let my feet rest. It was late by now, maybe 8. Just before I was ready to leave a man walked in and bought a single item. His clothes were raggedy and he had to use change to make his purchase. So I walked up to him, in pain, and gave him a snack bar with $5 and a $5 McDonalds gift card. He was so happy and such a nice guy. He just kept laughing and smiling. It was awesome!
      I left there and walked west near the end of town where there was a church. The walk was painful still but for sure less than before. When I got to the church it was not a good place to stay as far as being out of sight. It was very open and people walked by down the road a lot within sight of where I would stay. And it was a rough part of town and pretty ghetto. So I went back behind the building next door. It looked closed down. There was a fence that devided the property to a house behind it. It was chain linked and where I stayed was in sight if the people in the house looked out. But there was a shadow and I laid down in the dark. Right when I laid down a guy sprinted right by me towards the church and past it to the street. I was about 10 feet from him but I honestly don't think he saw me. Where I was it was really dark and he came at an angle where there was a tree and to see me he would have had to turn his head. So I still decided to stay there. I was so beat I just needed to close my eyes. So I got comfortable.
        I turned on the mesquito repeller and set it next to me. The mesquitos were very heavy there so I was still getting bit. I think maybe it had to warm up. So I kind of tossed and turned a while and the bugs got lighter but didn't really ever completely go away. Even after I sprayed a heavy coat of repellant on myself too. I still didn't get to bed until about12:30. I knew I would be tired again the next day. But hoped my feet would at least feel better.


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