Saturday, June 16, 2012

Day 62, June 4, 2012

share and show love
On day 62 I woke up in front of a church on the concrete. I slept ok that night. I was a little sluggish when I woke up and slow to get my things ready. I was in a bit of a funk and my mind was just drained.
      So I sat there in the morning from about 8 until 10. I decided also to try and cut some weight from my cart and backpack, so I got rid of some things I didn't absolutely need.
       At around 9:30 two cop cars pulled up. One of the cops got out and right away said he saw me on the news. I talked with them a while letting them know I had permission to stay there and everything. They also were curious about my journey. They both said it was an honor meeting me and that they were inspired. That meant a lot to me. I shook their hands and they left.
      I finally got my stuff ready and headed out. It was about 10 when I headed down the highway. I walked a couple miles when a truck pulled over. A guy handed me $20 out of the window. About 10 minutes later another truck pulled off. This time a guy gave me a roll of dimes that had $5 worth.
Then about 5 minutes later a girl pulled over and gave me 2 brownies. It always feels great when I have a lot of people pull off in a rush. It really makes me feel like the people are out there to take care of anyone who needs help. They don't ever ask what I'm going to do with what they give me. They just see me and want to help out. That feels great and it means so much to me when I'm out here with very little.
       So I walked about 7 miles when it was about that time to take a mid day break. I was coming to a little town called Calhoun. I stopped there at a little pizza place. I had picked up a loaf of bread the day before to eat so I could conserve money. So I got a drink there and ate the brownies and some slices of bread for lunch. I stayed there for a couple hours. The girl working there came out and talked to me while I took my break. She said there was a guy and his son about 2 weeks before that stopped there on their way walking across the country. She told me about their trek. Me and her talked a while and I enjoyed the company.
       So I headed out at about 5. I walked over the 20 and continued on the 80 through Calhoun. Another car pulled over and it was a lady who saw me on the news. She gave me $5 and said good luck. Another mile up or so a car pulled off and 3 girls that also saw me on the news gave me a few dollars. Another mile or so ahead a guy pulled off and gave me a few dollars. Again another car pulls off and it was a family. They asked where I was headed. They also gave me $13. About 5 minutes later a man and his mother pulls off and gave me $8. It was pretty awesome to have all the support from people who see me on my way across the country.
        I came to a church about 4 miles west of Calhoun, LA. It was up a little hill and there was a perfect little overhang to make my bed under. I looked around for an outlet but didn't find any. I needed to charge my electronics and not seeing an outlet bummed me out. I went out to the church sign by the highway just to triple check there might be an outlet. And I found one! It was on a brick block with a light on it. So I charged my things there.
       After they charged I headed up the hill and laid down on the concrete under the overhang. I passed out at around midnight.


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