Day 173, September 23, 2012

share and show love
Download photo.JPG (306.0 KB) I woke up hearing a cars tires gripping against the paved parking lot. I opened my eyes and lifted my head and it was a truck pulling around and past me. I wasn't as out of sight as I had thought the night before but I still doubted few if any people saw me. I sat up still pretty tired and drank some water as I just sat there waking up. It was about 8:30am and it was another really nice day. It was feeling cooler and cooler as I was getting closer by the day to the coast. I brushed my teeth and cleaned up a little before packing up. When I was about ready to head out for the day I put in a good long stretch before leaving the park I had slept in.
        I strolled out of there and started to walk west. The route for the day was a little out of the way since I couldn't take the direct route (interstate). It was about 16 miles to get to Moreno Valley and the road took me north a little and then directly south to enter the city. I was maybe only going 10 miles west but it was the only walking path available.
       I strolled for the first mile or too past some commercial buildings and a small shopping center. Then I crossed over the 10 and was getting to the last little part of Beaumont. It was some track housing and beyond it I could see some open farm land. It was a really beautiful area and was pretty quiet. Even though I had put a good stretch in my knees were starting to hurt a little. I stopped early for a break and sat in the shade next to some switchgear next to the railroad. I sat and rested for about 15 minutes then stretched for another 10. I felt a little better when I started to walk again but I was a little upset with the pain.
       I walked another 3-4 miles when I was at the end of the housing track and decided to take another quick break at a little mini structure that looked like a tiny mini house over the sidewalk. It was a nice housing track and all the landscaping and stuff was really upscale. There was even an outlet inside of it! I sat on my sleeping bag and rested for maybe 15 minutes while my ipod charged up.
       I took off from there and headed west again down the country highway. It was really pretty rolling hills on both sides of the highway and I was enjoying the views. The railroad was running along the road I was walking on and the road kept winding over the railroad too which was cool. I was about 7-8 miles in for the day now and it was about 1pm. Just then a car pulled over and a mother and daughter came out to greet me with a Gatorade and snacks. They were really friendly and had followed my journey on the internet for about a week now. We chatted for a few minutes and then they said they would try to track me down to bring me dinner that night. I told them that would be awesome!
      I continued a couple more miles down the country road when a Tahoe pulled over on the other side of the road. A family got out and had come to see me. They were very friendly and happy with the journey I was on. It amazes me how many people think it is really awesome. I never really know how to react to that but im just thankful to have the support so im very happy. They had shared their worries when I was MIA in the desert and it was cool that I had a lot of people hoping I was ok and sending prayers. We talked a bit longer and took some pictures before they left and I continued.
        I had finally reached the corner where I would head south now toward Moreno Valley. It was a pretty steep hill and was windy on the way up. It was about 5:30 now so the road was suddenly getting busy from all the after work crowd. I began climbing up the windy hill and the shoulder of the road began getting more narrow and narrow. It was getting really windy too and was starting to get pretty sketchy. The cars would come flying around the corners riding the shoulder and I would have to quickly move me and my cart off into the steep hillside and hold it there until the car passed. It was getting to the point where I wasn't moving hardly as the cars were coming non stop. I was really having to focus on getting around a long left hand corner. Once I got past it I decided to cross the road as I could see the shoulder was much wider over there. It was so busy that I had to wait about 2 minutes until there was a small window where I could cross. I darted me and my cart over there just in time before the cars came whizzing up in both directions.
       I made it to the top and was now walking down the hill. I could see all of Moreno Valley from the mountain top and it was pretty cool. I came to the bottom of the hill and just as I came to the flat a truck pulled off on the other side of the road. The guy waved me over so I had crossed and he was now outside his truck walking toward me. He said whats up and had been following my walk for a long time. We ended up talking for about a half an hour and it was good timing since I was about done walking for the day. Beaumont was up just ahead and maybe a half mile up I spotted a big church that looked like I could find a spot to sleep at. I enjoyed his company for a while and then after he left I walked up ahead to the church. I got there right as the sun was setting. Just behind the church was a little courtyard with benches and a big grass area. It was a perfect spot to sleep and was hidden with a big stone wall all around it.
       I made my bed there on the thick soft grass. It was just about dark when  saw a car rolling slowly by on a road behind the church. It was the lady and her daughter from earlier and I was actually pretty shocked that they found me there! I guess if anyone reads this blog they know I will sleep at churches if theres one around. But I was still impressed. They came into the church parking lot and parked. They had brought 2 more guys with them that were younger guys in their family. They brought me a Tupperware container with hot spaghetti in it and I couldn't have been more excited!  We talked for about 15 minutes and they were all tripping out on how far I have made it. They were pretty shocked hearing my answers to most of their questions. Just with things like hygiene and how Ive walked the ENTIRE way. They were funny too and it was great to hangout with them. They took off and said for me to enjoy the food.
       I went and laid down in my bed and basically inhaled the food. It was so good and I was starving! After I ate I was exhausted and fell right asleep there laying down. I slept for a while pretty heavily when I woke up hearing a ruffling noise. I sat up pretty startled and it was a coyote about 10 feet away from me!! As soon as I sat up it darted off and into the dark. Luckily where I grew up there were coyotes and I know they are terrified of people. It was probably just a little curious and smelled me and my stuff maybe. Or the Tupperware that still had the stench of food. I laid back down and checked my ipod. It was 12:30am. I laid there for maybe 10 minutes then I finally fell back asleep.     
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