Day 6

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I woke up from a long night of sleep. I was hoping to feel better when I woke up today and I did! I was exited to get back on the move. I ate what was left from the dinner bread that I had and then packed up and headed out.
    I walked through the town of macclenny and stopped at a cvs. I made a sign there that said "food" but it was easter Sunday and it was very dead there. So I had no luck. I tied the sign on my pack and headed out of the town going west.
      I walked about half the day when I noticed it started to get smokey. There must have been a forest fire or something because it went on for miles. I was worried with breathing the smoke in especially with the cough I was still slightly dealing with. So I took me extra shirt, folded it and tied it over my mouth and nose and around my neck.
        About half way through the day I hadn't eaten anything else but wasn't too hungry. But then a family turned around and pulled next to me and gave me a big plate of Easter food. It had chicken, cornbread, spinach, and Mac and cheese. I was so pumped and couldn't thank them enough!
          I walked about 15 miles that day. When the sun was beginning to set I found another church along side of the highway. There was nothing else around but green fields of grass. It was perfect. The church was brand new and I don't think even opened yet. When I opened the cover to the outlet a foam piece fell out and it was the first it had been opened.
      I made my bed and charged my things. I got to Skype with my best friend Rhett for a while, and then with my parents back at home. It was cool to get to talk to them all. And my dog at my parents heard me and was looking all over the house to find me. It was cool and I miss her. I laid down at around 11 and closed my eyes to get some sleep. ( these blogs are somewhat rushed until I can get caught up, it's just tough when I try to walk most of the day but il try and get them up to date in the next few days) 

1 comment:

  1. I just stumbled onto your Twitter and blog from a professional Supercross racer's twitter page. hah. awesome. This is really cool. and i plan to follow your journey! Kinda ironic that your doing this but you still have to rely on electricity to charge your things. hah. Thought that was funny. Good Luck!


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