Filling in the gap

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      Well it's been a while since I last updated my journey. The reason i didn't have any updates was because I sorta rejoined the "real world" as people call it, and honestly felt like it was boring and not worthy of sharing. But I will give a brief update since my last posting anyways.
    So when I came back from Oregon/Washington I settled in the bay area. I was still homeless and in fact have been since then. I was in search of a shelter around Dublin ca when I was referred to a lady who could help me. I ended up meeting her and she was very gracious. I ended up pitching a tent in her backyard for about 3 months. She literally took in homeless people anytime she met one, it was pretty amazing and her and her husband were amazing people.
      As far as work I was ready to start from the bottom and move up. I ended up getting a job offer from the people I was staying with to drive a taxi so I decided what the hell, and went for it. I never thought I would live in a tent or drive a taxi but I have to say it was a pretty fun job and life was good. I saved my money and after a few months bought a camper van to drive around in and sleep in. I freakin love that thing! I went on road trips with it and was so comfortable I eventually just moved into it. I had also purchased a gym membership with my earnings where I worked out and could take a shower whenever I wanted. I parked my van outside the office/shop and lived there.
      I saved my money for a while and met a lot of cool people driving taxi. I eventually decided to take a little vacation and felt I deserved it. I was going to meet my best friend in costa rica and backpack around there for a few months, so I booked it. I also had another close friend who was racing motorcycles all around the country so i took an extra 2 weeks to join him on his travels and go to a couple races. It was set and I was pumped!
      After traveling to Atlanta and st. Louis I would fly out from mizzouri straight to coasta rica... Except there was one snag. Our rig was broken into the day before my flight and everything except the clothes on my back were stolen... My passport.. Camera.. Lugguge ect. All gone. I should have been upset but weirdly enough it really didn't bug me. It actually bothered me more that I didn't care than it did I was robbed. So my costa rica trip was off and I would travel a little more around the country to the supercross races.
      After about a month and a half I decided to do something crazy. I flew out after the Houston tx race to Florida to visit the east coast an decided to try and walk all the way back to the California coast. So I flew into Orlando then caught a greyhound bus to Jacksonville and am now on the beach. (I'm actually writing this on the beach)
      So here I go. Oh and to make it a really interesting challenge I decided to bring no money here and start with nothing, not even food or water. So it's on! Full survival mode and having to think fast on the move. I'm not even sure if I can make it all the way but it sounds like a cool challenge to try anyway. I hope to have support and prayers along the way to be exposed to the good in this world. I will say as well it will probably get a little nasty at times, being in full survival mode will include anything to survive. Like mooching of hotel continental breakfast at times, or even dumpster diving ect.
      I have lived a good life and grew up with money an awesome family. I have always had nice things and never lived life in termoil from being poor or in a broken home. Life was always good. I had an urge to do this about a year ago when life was repetitive and I felt like I didn't appreciate it. Since I have been homeless I have lived more in the moment and have really learned to be thankful. So this challenge will be spiritual and an attempt to inspire others. It makes me feel great to be able to show people a different perspective of life and the things within it that can make you feel good and put a sincere smile on. So here it goes.
    Thanks for your support and interest
                              -nick kleckner

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