Day 19

share and show love

I heard a car pull up and park near me. My head was in my sleeping bag and it was a chilly morning. I peeked out and a man was getting out of his car. He went to his trunk and grabbed a couple boxes then walked to the door of the library holding keys in his hand. I hoped he wasn't going to see me but I was right next to him. He took a couple steps toward me and asked "are you ok?"
        I told him I was fine. I said I was just walking through and the rain had stopped me and I crashed there. I said I would get up and go right away. He said very nicely "no, no... Don't worry brother, rest up as long as you like. I'm just dropping something off. It's no problem" he was so rad! I said "oh man, thank you so much. God bless you!" I went from nervous to very relieved and rolled over and ducked back down into my bag. It made me worry less now that I had permission.
      I finally woke up at about 9:30. I was pretty tired and hurting. For some reason I was more sore than normal and was starving. It was a tough morning and my spirits were low. But I packed up anyways and headed out. 
      I threw on the white shirt I bought in Tallahassee since it was clean and it was actually warm. I honestly felt much cooler right away. The black was pretty hot. I began walking. 
      There was a little breeze and it was kind of a nice day. I headed out of Chipley Fl. I made my way about 8 miles to bonifay. I was so hungry but nothing I had sounded appealing. I needed a break from eating bread so I decided I would get a good snack in bonifay. 
      As I walked through the town I kept my eye out for something. I approached a Mexican food restaurant and had an idea. I would go in and order the cheapest thing and just fill up on chips and salsa. So I went in and it was cool in there and felt good. I got looked at pretty weird by the other people eating in there but I didn't care. I sat down and right away they brought me chips and a water. I started pigging out. I looked at the menu and ended up ordering beans and rice for 3 bucks. I felt so spoiled and literally ate until I was rock hard stuffed. I was in a bad food coma. 
      After that I wanted to charge my electronics so I went next door to a laundromat and found an outlet. I sat down and plugged in. As I say there a man asked where I was going. I told him my story and he laughed and said good luck. He asked why I was doing it and I said I wasn't 100% sure but I'm kind of finding answers along the way. And I told him I was just hoping to find my place in life by gods guidance. He really liked that and told me to keep strong and know he is there. He said gods power works directly to your heart and not to worry about anything else but focusing on his love.
        We talked a while about random stuff. Politics, media, and somehow the kardashians were brought up and he said "if Kim kardashian had as many dicks growing out of her as she does going into her she would look like a dam porcupine!!" I died for a few minutes. It was classic. I took off from there after a handshake to Don, and a wish good luck.
      I had ended up talking longer than I had planned so it was a little late. I figured I would just walk until it was dark then find a spot to throw my tent up. So I went down the road. The sun was setting and it was really nice around me. 
      Just as it was getting dark I found a path into the trees that I checked out. It was perfect. There was a small meadow and it was hidden. So I threw my tent up and made my bed. I crawled in and I was really relaxed. It was a nice day and everything sorta went smooth. I laid there a bit and then finally fell asleep around 10.

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