Day 20

share and show love

I woke up in my tent at around 9:30. I had slept well and was relaxed when I woke up. The ground was hard and it was still no mattress quality sleep, but it was better than concrete. I rolled out of bed to roll up my sleeping bag, pack the tent, brush me teeth and then head out.
        I left the meadow and walked the pathway out of the trees on to the 90 west towards Defuniak Springs. It was about 24 miles away so it would be a bit of a test to see if my body could handle it. I started down the highway.
        It was a nice day and the weather was cool with a breeze. It makes it a lot easier not having to deal with the heat. I walked for about 10 miles. I felt pretty good and was staying hydrated and drinking water every time I even thought about it.
         I came up to a little fishing town of Caryville. I stopped at a bait and fuel station before the river to fill up my waters and get a charge. I sat there for about 20 minutes drinking water. A man came up and said he saw me the day before and asked where I was going. He was real supportive and thought it was a good way to grow as a young man. He shook my hand and said it was an honor to meet me. That was awesome and things like that give me confidence. He got in his big new truck hauling a nice fishing boat and headed down the road honking and waving as he rolled away.
          I headed down the highway again. As I crossed the river I looked over the bridge. I always hope to see something cool. I've seen plenty of turtles and snakes, and as bad as I don't want to see a gator, at the same time I do. But nothing there. I continued on.
        I got to the next town around 3 and took my break there. I had my first meal of the day where I ate 3 slices of wheat bread out of my backpack. It was pretty bland but I needed some calories. The man working there took a cigarette break and chatted with me a while. He was cool and told me stories of when he used to hitchhike. There wasn't an outlet outside so I asked him if there were any free in the store. He took me in and I plugged my things in. He was a cool dude and had some good info on what I was headed to in the next few towns.
           So after an hour I headed out of there. I was fully charged and again fully stocked with water. I walked towards Defuniak Springs for the last little trek out the day. It was around 9 miles. It went well and I arrived to the church just as the sun was setting. I stopped at a gas station just across from the church and Skyped with some friends and family back at home. Skype drains my batteries fast so I usually only want to do it when I'm plugged in, plus it was light up there so they could see me.
        After skyping for a couple hours I headed over to the church and made my bed in a little corner where I was pretty hidden in the back. It was pretty chilly actually so I bundled up and went to bed around 11.

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